Monday, August 21, 2006

Did you say rain???

Send some of that rain our way if you don't mind! Good Lord we need it!!! This heat is just unbearable.

I appreciate any advice you have on how to handle the school stuff! I want to be involved, but I don't want to risk having the teacher holding any grudges against Levi because his mother is overbearing. And, I'm not sure if I should inform them of his history ... there were issues at his school last year because he became a little too aggressive when someone invaded his personal space. He's still a little touchy about it, and I don't think he should be faulted for it. But, I know him. If someone crosses that line, he will lash out and I'll be getting more notes from the school. How would you suggest I handle that? He's come a long way since it all happened, but I would imagine it will be a long time before he's very trusting.

And, the first day was ok, but since then I get the "do I have to go?" routine every single morning. Geez, school just started and already he doesn't want to go back. It bothers me a little because he was so excited for school to start.

From a teacher's point of view, how should I handle all of this?

As for me and school, I have a final on Wednesday, which will be the end of Anatomy and Physiology and Medical Terminology! YEAH!!!! Then we start training on instruments, and doing mock surgeries. I can't wait!!!

I go to court tomorrow morning hopefully to finalize the child support stuff for Jessi. If we can't reach an agreement tomorrow, then it looks like we'll have to go before the Judge. I'm sure he doesn't want that, though, so maybe everything will go smoothly tomorrow.

On other news, Dad has his heart catheterization on Wednesday to look for the blockage. They'll keep him overnight. So, we're hoping they don't find anything major. And, he's still waiting to have the surgery to repair the damaged rotator cuff. We'll keep you updated on everything.


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