March 3rd ...
Alrighty, this thing is working like it's supposed to. I am so glad that everyone is enjoying it. I love logging in ever so often and being able to catch up on everyone's lives. Melanie, glad you are on board, and thanks for the baby food making tips! The idea is great, but our freezers pretty much stay full of meat from everything in the animal kingdom. So, I'll just stick with the jar food, which is going really well. She doesn't like cereal or bananas ... that has been established. She loves applesauce and sweet potatoes, though. We've cut down the amount of her formula intake quite a bit, so we'll see what happens with the weight. She's now rolling over stomach to back, back to stomach, and sleeping through the night. She is a very happy baby, FINALLY!
I'm glad to hear that all of the babies are doing well, and Melanie I can only imagine the back pain you have had to endure. I'm also glad that you are enjoying the stay at home thing. I'm trying to enjoy it as much as possible before school starts. I've made it through the final review, have ordered my scrubs, and am now waiting on a final interview. You wouldn't believe how strict these people are. Sometimes I think it borders on discriminatory, but I'll overlook it if I get in.
Let's see, what else is going on? Mom and Dad are planning a vacation this summer, and right now we just know that it will be somewhere near the ocean. They are going to take Levi with them ... he's never seen the ocean before, and he is very excited! Of course, his first question was whether or not there would be sharks. Wish I could join them, but once school starts, it will be Mon-Fri for a solid year, and if you miss more than 10% of the classes, you get kicked out. No pressure. Levi's Spring break is coming up, March 13-17. I'm not quite sure what we'll do, but we will have to do something!
Well, I had a few minutes to spare, and now I'm being summoned to the baby's room. We really should figure out a way for us to all get together soon!
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