Thursday, May 25, 2006

Collins Update

I know it's been a long time since I have posted.....but, well, things have just been pretty busy around here. I've been watching another baby for a friend of mine. Tomorrow is my last day, and I'm very happy. The baby's name is Zachary, and he's a good baby, but sometimes is VERY fussy. I will have kept him a total of nine weeks in all, which helped out a little in the $$$ department.

Wyatt is growing like a weed. He really is. He weighs over 22 pounds and just seems to be getting bigger. He is "cruising" around the living room, pulling up on anything and everything. He loves to walk around the couch and the hearth. I am still nursing him at 3 out of his 4 feedings. I got permission from the pediatrician to put him on cow's milk for the 4th one. Thank gives me a little bit of a break during the day, and the milk is so much cheaper than formula would be.

In other news, Brian had a wreck yesterday evening. The lights at the intersection of Wadley and Midland Drive weren't working, so cars had reverted to the 4-way stop method. A teen didn't realize this was the situation, and slammed into Brian pretty hard. Brian was then knocked into the car in front of him, and one other car was hit in the process. All the cars had to be towed....except for the 4th car that drove away before the police even came. Brian is okay so far, but he didn't sleep well last night and has a pretty ugly bruise on his left shoulder where the seatbelt engaged. We're just SO thankful that he's okay. The teen got two tickets, so Brian was cleared of any fault, but we still have to sort through all kinds of insurance paperwork, rental car stuff, and need to find out whether or not they decide to total the Civic. So, please keep us in your prayers, that all this works out and that Brian continues to feel good.

We've pretty much decided to stay home for much of the summer. Brian has quite a few band obligations, so that takes care of most days. Of course, we'll go to Padre with the family and that will be fun. And, we've rented my great-grandmother's house in Sanderson for a couple of nights in June as just a way to get out of town without spending a lot of money. My mom grew up in Sanderson, and was even born in that house, so I thought it might be fun to show Brian. I think Wyatt and I will accompany Brian to band camp this year. WT has a pool with a lazy river that's indoors, and I think Wyatt would enjoy that. He loves bathtime so much, you know!!

I've planted a garden in the backyard. I had a garden a couple of years ago, but it didn't do so well. How's it going, you ask? Well, crashed and burned on the first one. And the second? I don't know. I'll tell you tomorrow, but it's looking good so far. HA!! Anyway, I have tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, watermelons, cantaloupes, and squash. We'll see how they all turn out. Plus, my little pear tree that I got for Valentine's Day is looking good, but I don't think she'll make any fruit until next year. She looks really healthy, though!

Well, I guess that's about all I can think of to catch you up. I hope you are all doing well.